2 Quotes & Sayings By Ezekiel Mosoatsi

Ezekiel Mosoatsi is an author, entrepreneur, and speaker. He was born in Lesotho, Africa, but moved to the United States at young age. As a teenager, he attended American boarding schools where he became involved with the arts. After high school, he studied Creative Writing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Read more

During his time at college, he worked as a traveling puppeteer for local theater companies. When his college days were over, he went to work for an international company based in Atlanta. There, he met his wife and began raising a family.

But soon after they had their first child, he decided it was time to make a change and returned to design work where his creativity thrived. While working as a designer, Ez tried his hand at writing books by writing two children's books that were published by Scholastic. It wasn't until after reading Think & Grow Rich that Ez developed his own vision for how he wanted to live his life and what he wanted to accomplish with the Foundation.

Today, Ez's books are still being read across the world and continue to inspire millions of people to strive for their dreams!